#Bruken av Instagram i mitt klasserom


Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert 2015 – Intervju

Av: Iliana Nielsen Due

Steffi Marita Miland Svendsen

Utdannet allmennlærer ved Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus (2012). Har jobbet som lærer i to og et halvt år, og underviser i dag 7. klasse på Skjetten skole. Hun ble valgt som «MIEE teacher» i 2014, er kompetansepartner for Microsoft og en OneNote Avenger. Steffi er svært opptatt av å ta i bruk teknologi i undervisningen og hun har laget en Instagram-konto, Facebook-profil og Twitter-bruker for elevene sine hvor de kan følge sine egne skoleaktiviteter helt fritt når de vil.

«Jeg føler at det er viktig å fremme fordelene og stimulere til bruk av teknologi i dagens samfunn. Jeg underviser ikke bare for gode resultater; jeg underviser også elevene mine om livet og hvordan de skal lære å lykkes på egen hånd».

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#Using Instagram in the Classroom


Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert 2015 – Interview

April 14, 2015

“I wanted to meet my students half way.“ — Steffi Marita Miland Svendsen, Norway

For teachers fresh out of university, bridging the gap between theoretical pedagogy and the reality of their students’ world can often be a challenge. For Steffi Marita Miland Svendsen, who graduated in 2012 and has been teaching for two short years, it became her mission.

“Today children grow up in a digital world, socializing with mixed-media, having conversations daily with friends, family and others,” says Svendsen. “Smartphones seem to be a ‘must-have,’ even for younger children in order to stay connected. With social apps waiting to be explored, sooner rather than later the kids need to be introduced to them. Maybe it’s about time to include this aspect in education?

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Our secret weapon – OneNote for sharing, collaborating and assessing

Living in the 21st century, the use of technology plays an important role in education. And I can understand why school leaders, educators, students and parents feel overwhelmed when they are introduced to new tools, programs, apps and so forth if the main focus is on the shifting to the new technology, rather than implementing the right technology. However, at Skjetten Primary School we all have one secret weapon—OneNote!

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