Take Ctrl in OneNote ~ Formatting

Start using keyboard shortcuts to be even more effective when working in OneNote. Here are some keyboard shortcuts to use when formatting text. Learn a new keyboard shortcut every day.  I’ll tweet a new keyboard shortcut from this list everyday. Are you up for the challenge? Follow me on @steffisteaching 

CTRL + A: Select all items on the current page.clip_image001

Note: Press CTRL+A more than once to increase the scope of the selection.


CTRL + B:  Apply or remove bold formatting from the selected text.

CTRL + I: Apply or remove italic formatting from the selected text.

CTRL + U: Apply or remove the underline from the selected text.

CTRL+SHIFT+C: Copy the formatting of selected text (Format Painter).


CTRL+SHIFT+V: Paste the formatting to selected text (Format Painter).